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6 Customer Experience Survey Samples By Staffino

In today’s competitive market landscape, understanding your customer’s journey and experience is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Whether you’re operating in the B2B (Business-to-Business) or B2C (Business-to-Consumer) sectors, the insights gathered from various types of customer surveys can illuminate the path to enhanced satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. But what makes a customer survey effective? How can you ensure that it captures the essence of the customer’s interaction with your brand?

Picture showing how feedback solution from Staffino looks like on different devices.

In this article, we offer you six practical customer experience survey samples and templates designed to harvest actionable insights. We’ll explore three customer experience survey samples each for B2C and B2B customer experience contexts, emphasising the unique nuances that distinguish these two realms.

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Understanding the Landscape: B2C vs B2B Customer Experience

Before we delve into the different types of customer surveys and samples, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamental differences between B2C vs B2B customer experiences. 

The definition of B2B and B2C outlines not just the nature of the transaction but also the depth of the relationship, the length of the sales cycle, and the complexity of the decision-making process.

In B2B customer experience management, the focus is on building long-term relationships, often involving multiple stakeholders. Conversely, B2C customer experience tends to prioritise speed, convenience, and emotional engagement, catering to individual needs and preferences.

Transaction and Relational Types of Customer Surveys

Understanding the nuances between transactional and relational types of customer surveys is also very important for capturing the essence of customer feedback. 

A transactional customer satisfaction survey focuses on the immediate reaction of customers following a specific interaction or purchase. This type of survey is invaluable for businesses looking to measure the quality of their service or product at the point of sale or interaction. It provides immediate, actionable data that can help in refining customer experience in real-time. Transactional surveys are direct, often short, and centered around a customer’s latest experience, making them a powerful tool for businesses aiming to maintain high standards of customer satisfaction.

A screen showing a CSAT survey question about the pharmacist approach during the customer visit.

On the other hand, a relational client satisfaction survey aims to understand the overall relationship between the business and its customers over time. Relational surveys are designed to assess long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty, rather than immediate reactions to a single transaction. Through a relational survey, you can gather insights into the overall health of their customer relationships, identify trends, and make strategic decisions to enhance customer satisfaction in the long run. Relational surveys often involve more in-depth questions and require a strategic approach to engage customers, but the comprehensive feedback they generate is crucial for sustained business growth.

A picture showing how a star rating question looks like.

By employing both types of customer surveys, you can obtain a holistic view of their customer satisfaction levels. This dual approach allows for immediate improvements in products and services while also building customer loyalty and satisfaction long-term.

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B2B Customer Experience Survey Samples

Let’s now look at some of the most useful B2B customer experience survey samples and sample questions:

1. Post-Purchase Feedback Survey

This B2B transactional survey aims to shed light on the immediate reaction of a B2B customer post-purchase, focusing on satisfaction, expectations, and areas for improvement. Here are some sample questions:

Q1) Overall satisfaction

On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company based on your recent experience with us? (NPS question with a 0-10 scale)

Q2) Meeting needs 

How well did our product/service meet your initial requirements? (Multiple choice: Exceeded expectations, Met expectations, Below expectations)

Q3) Improvement areas

What is one thing we could improve on? (Open-ended)

2. Account Management Feedback Survey

The picture shows Lyreco's customer feedback questionnaire with questions about the satisfaction with their couriers.

Designed for ongoing relationship evaluation, this type of customer survey assesses the effectiveness of account management and customisation of solutions in B2B settings. Here are some sample questions:

Q1) Relationship management

How satisfied are you with the level of support and communication from your account manager? (CSAT questions with a 1-5 scale)

Q2) Solution customisation

How effectively do we tailor our solutions to fit your business needs? (Multiple choice)

Q3) Future recommendations 

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our services to other businesses? Why or why not? (NPS question followed by an open-ended feedback for a deeper insight)

3. Annual Relationship Survey

One page from Orange's online customer satisfaction survey with CSAT questions.

An annual survey helps in understanding the long-term impact and strategic fit of the services provided in a B2B context. Here are some sample questions for this relational survey:

Q1) Yearly satisfaction

Reflecting on the past year, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with our services? (CSAT question with 1-5 scale)

Q2) Achievement of objectives

To what extent have our services contributed to achieving your business objectives? (Multiple choice)

Q3) Strategic alignment

How well do our services align with your future business goals? (Open-ended)

B2C Customer Experience Survey Samples

Below, we listed three useful B2B customer experience survey samples and sample questions:

1. Immediate Post-Purchase Survey

This customer survey example shows a question asking whether the customer was offered additional products. It helps measure upsell potential and its impact on revenue.

This transactional survey is designed to capture the immediate post-purchase sentiments of a B2C customer, focusing on overall satisfaction and ease of experience.

Q1) Satisfaction level

How satisfied are you with your purchase today? (CSAT with number or emoji scale)

Q2) Purchase experience

Was finding what you needed easy and satisfactory? (Yes/No question)

Q3) Improvement suggestion

How can we make your next shopping experience better? (Open-ended)

2. Product Satisfaction Survey

A transactional product-focused customer survey aims to understand the customer’s satisfaction with the quality and whether it matched their expectations.

Q1) Product expectation

Did the product meet your expectations based on the product description and images? (Multiple choice)

Q2) Quality rating

Please rate your satisfaction with the quality of the product received. (CSAT with 1-5 scale)

Q3) Repurchase likelihood

How likely are you to purchase from us again? (0-10 scale)

3. Customer Loyalty Survey

This is an example of an NPS survey question with rating scale from 0 to 10.

This relational survey seeks to measure the customer’s loyalty and likelihood to advocate for the brand based on their overall experience.

Q1) Overall experience rating

How would you rate your overall experience with our brand? (CSAT question with 1-5 scale)

Q2) Repeat purchase intent

How likely are you to buy from us again in the future? (Multiple choice)

Q3) Brand advocate

On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our brand to friends and family? (NPS question with a 0-10 scale)

Create Your Customer Survey in a Matter of Minutes with Staffino

Crafting an effective customers satisfaction survey requires a deep understanding of your audience, whether B2B or B2C. By employing the right types of customer surveys, you can gather invaluable insights that drive improvement, innovation, and growth. Remember, the key to a successful customer experience survey lies in asking the right questions, in the right way, at the right time. Use these customer experience survey samples as a starting point to design surveys that resonate with your customers and provide you with the feedback necessary to elevate your customer experience to new heights.

Schedule a free demo with our team to see firsthand how you can effortlessly create customer surveys in minutes using the Staffino online platform.

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