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24 Sample Customer Survey Questions

Customer surveys are essential tools for understanding customer needs, satisfaction levels, and areas of improvement. By asking the right questions, you can collect actionable insights that shape your customer experience (CX) strategies. Below, we’ll explore 20 sample customer survey questions that will help you assess and improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement.

The picture shows Staffino's customer survey creator with drag-and-drop questions and other elements.

What Makes a Good Customer Survey Question?

Before diving into the list, it’s important to note the characteristics of good survey questions:

  • Clarity: They should be easy to understand, avoiding ambiguity.
  • Relevance: Questions must be relevant to the customer’s experience with your product or service.
  • Actionable: Answers should provide insights that can drive business decisions.

Now, let’s break down our sample survey question examples into six categories.

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24 Sample Customer Survey Questions for Your Customer Survey Questionnaire

1. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions

Measuring customer satisfaction (CSAT) helps you determine how happy your customers are with specific products, services, or interactions.

A picture showing how a star rating question looks like.

Q: How satisfied are you with our service/product?

Scale: 1 (Very Unsatisfied) to 5 (Very Satisfied)

Q: What could we do better?  

This is an open-ended question, ideal for qualitative feedback.

Q: How likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?  

Scale: 0 (Not Likely) to 10 (Extremely Likely)  

This is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) question, a key metric in customer experience measurement tools.

This is an example of an NPS survey question with rating scale from 0 to 10.

Q: How easy was it to resolve your issue with our customer service?  

This question can measure your Customer Effort Score (CES).

This is an example of a Customer Effort Score (CES) question that can be used in a CX feedback questionnaire.

Q: On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall experience with us today?

These CX survey questions will give you a high-level view of customer satisfaction, helping you identify pain points.

2. Product-Specific Feedback Questions

Your product’s success often depends on how well it meets customer expectations. These sample survey questions help assess product performance.

This is an example of a customer satisfaction score (CSAT) question in a CX survey with 5-point star rating.

Q: How satisfied are you with the quality of our product?

Q: Which product features do you find the most valuable?

List of features for multiple-choice selection.

Q: What features would you like to see added?  

That is a great question for product development!

Q: How would you rate the value for money of our product? 

Scale: 1 (Very Poor) to 5 (Excellent)

Q: How often do you use our product/service?  

E.g., Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Occasionally

These questions allow you to understand how customers interact with your product, revealing areas for improvement and innovation.

3. Customer Service Survey Questions Examples

Assessing the quality of your customer service is crucial for retaining loyal customers.

A screen showing a CSAT survey question about the pharmacist approach during the customer visit.

Q: How would you rate the knowledge and professionalism of our customer service team?

Q: Was your issue resolved during your first contact?  


Q: How satisfied are you with the speed of our response?

Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to contact us again for support?

These customer service survey questions examples help you evaluate your team’s effectiveness, ensuring they meet customers’ expectations.

4. Customer Loyalty and Retention Questions

Understanding customer loyalty can give you insights into long-term customer retention. 

Q: How likely are you to continue using our service/product?  

Scale: 0 (Not Likely) to 10 (Extremely Likely)

Q: What made you choose our company over competitors?  

This can help you understand the key value propositions customers perceive in your business.

Q: How could we improve your experience with us in the future?

This is an open-ended question that can result in many innovative ideas.

Q: What would make you switch to a competitor’s product/service?  

Ideal for identifying potential risks to customer retention.

By using these feedback questions, you can spot trends in loyalty and learn what drives customer retention.

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5. Brand Perception and Marketing Questions

These questions assess how customers perceive your brand and its presence in the marketplace.

Q: How did you hear about us?  

Including how did you hear about us options, such as social media, a friend’s recommendation, an online ad, a TV ad, etc., are invaluable for refining your marketing strategies.

Q: What do you associate most with our brand?  

List potential brand values such as “quality,” “affordability,” “innovation,” etc.

Q: What made you choose our service/product?

This is an open-ended question that allows customers to reflect on the key drivers of their decision.

Asking these questions helps businesses refine their branding and marketing efforts, ensuring they align with customer perceptions.

6. Customer Experience and Interaction Questions

These survey ideas focus on evaluating touchpoints across the entire customer journey.

One page from Orange's online customer satisfaction survey with CSAT questions.

Q: How would you rate your experience with our website? 

This could include usability, speed, navigation ease, etc.

Q: Did our product/service meet your expectations?

Use a Yes/No answer or multiple choice.

Q: Is there anything that prevented you from completing your purchase today? 

This is great for understanding barriers in the sales funnel.

Questions about the customer journey help businesses improve specific interactions, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing friction.

Best Practices for Structuring Your Customer Survey

Now that we’ve covered some sample survey questions, let’s discuss how to design your customers satisfaction survey for maximum impact:

1. Keep it short: Aim for 3-6 questions per survey. Long surveys can overwhelm customers and lead to lower completion rates.

2. Use a mix of question types: Combine scales (CSAT, NPS, CES) with open-ended questions to gather both quantitative and qualitative feedback.

3. Time it right: Send surveys after key interactions such as purchases, service calls, or account renewals to get timely, honest feedback.

4. Personalise the experience: Tailor questions to different customer segments based on their engagement levels or products they’ve purchased.

5. Act on the data: The best surveys result in actionable insights. Visualise your data on CX dashboards and always have a plan in place for addressing feedback and closing the loop with customers.

The picture shows how the closed-loop feedback system by Staffino works in practice.

Tailoring Your Customer Survey with the Right Tools

As we’ve seen, asking the right survey questions is the cornerstone of any effective customer feedback strategy. Whether you’re trying to measure customer satisfaction, improve your customer service, or optimise your products, well-designed customer surveys provide valuable insights that drive business improvements.

For companies seeking an efficient way how to measure customer experience and gather feedback, Staffino offers tailored CX management tools. Our expert team can help you design and distribute effective, high-conversion customer survey questionnaires, ensuring they ask the best survey questions for your unique business needs. Whether you need to measure NPS, CSAT, or CES, our platform makes feedback collection simple and efficient.

By incorporating these survey examples into your strategy, you’ll be able to gather insightful feedback and continuously enhance your customer experience.

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Staffino is the perfect tool for creating engaging surveys, tracking performance, responding to customer feedback, and rewarding top employees. Get started today with our FREE demo!