We’re happy to announce that five new clients have joined our customer base. We’re very excited to help them on their customer experience journey.
L’Occitane en Provence
The first client to join our ranks is the Romanian branch of French cosmetics giant L’Occitane en Provence that specializes in creating products based on the traditions of the Provence region. We’ll be helping L’Occitane with soliciting customer feedback on their products and services, so that they can improve their customer experience.

Romanian Parfume chain
The next client on the list the Parfume chain of shops in Romania. The company is a perfume provider with branches across Europe, Asia and the Middle-East. Staffino will be helping the perfume provider improve their customer experience using spontaneous feedback obtained from customers using QR codes.

Czech branch of Studio Moderna
We’re also happy to welcome the Czech branch of Studio Moderna on board! The company is a leading omnichannel and direct-to-consumer company that operates mostly in Central and Eastern Europe. Studio Moderna is taking CX by storm and planning to use Staffino to launch 18 various use cases to improve their customer experience.

Jysk Iceland
We have a wonderful working relationship with our client Jysk, that uses our solution across branches in 25 countries. This year Jysk decided that it will be expanding the use of Staffino for collecting customer feedback to its stores in Iceland. We’re grateful that they consider us a trusted partner and we’re happy to help Jysk Iceland improve their CX.

Viessman Group in Czech
And last but not least, the Czech branch of the Viessman Group. A leading manufacturer of heating, industrial, and refrigeration systems, has also recently become our client. We’ve been working with the Slovak branch for a while now and we’re excited that the Czech branch decided to join too. Viessman Czech will use Staffino to launch the first of four campaigns aimed cementing and improving relationships with their business partners.

We’re excited to start the year with so many new clients on board. We’re looking forward to helping them grow on their customer experience and customer success journey.